Sustainability, eco friendly, office, employee engagement, culture, thinking green,

Ten Simple Ways to Create a Greener Office

We all need to be conscious of the effect we have on the environment, and this includes our work life as well as our home life. It can be easy to believe that what we do as individuals really doesn’t make a difference but the more of us that partake in small actions the greater the impact we will have together. See below for ten simple ways to create a greener office.

1) Monitor Printing Habits
Do not blindly print all of a document. Often times there are blank pages or pages that don’t need to be printed, and if possible get in the habit of printing on both sides of the paper. Bonus – you just saved money on your next paper order!

2) Purchase Wisely
Buy recycled paper products.

3) Avoid One-Use Items
Ask employees to bring their own coffee mugs and cups to work. Provide reusable plates and cutlery in the lunch room/area and do not offer disposable items. (One use items compose a big part of our landfills.)

4) Say No to Plastic
Say no to plastic bags when picking up take-out for lunch. There is currently an island of plastic bags that covers 8.1% of the Pacific Ocean, every one-use plastic bag we say no to helps to contain that problem.

5) Turn out the Lights
It’s as easy as it sounds! Turn off lights in rooms that no one is currently using.

6) Decrease Computer Usage
Turn off your computer when you leave for the day and turn off your computer screen when you will be away from your desk. You can save as much as 2/3 of a computer’s energy use just by turning off the monitor.

7) Utilize Efficient Data
Update your mailing list to ensure that you have current addresses. This helps to prevent printing extra mailers that won’t be used. Better yet, switch to email!

8) Donate Old Supplies
Try to find new homes for your old or unused office supplies. Many schools or non-profits could use office supplies; check around with a quick Google search before throwing them away.

9) Encourage Public Transportation
Offer TriMet passes as an added benefit for employees. TriMet offers savings to employees who buy passes for their employees as well as tax breaks. Find out more by clicking here.

10) Become Certified
Apply to be certified as a Sustainable Business by the city of Portland to brag about your green office. It’s free and your business will be included in their business directory, and if you achieve silver status your business will be profiled as well. Find out more information by clicking here.

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